Best Pregnancy Products for Mamas to Be

I’m officially into the third trimester and starting to think back to all of the different stages of this first pregnancy with the excitement, nerves, and hormones flowing! it’s truly amazing how much this baby has grown over the past 6 months and will continue to grow in these last 2 months. The female body is incredible in all the ways it changes to become the home to this little peanut. I’m just starting to get a tad uncomfortable and tired again so cannot wait to finally meet him or her in just two short months!

I thought it would be a good time to round up up some of my favorite pregnancy products for the pregnant mamas out there that I’ve used throughout the different stages of my pregnancy and answer some frequent questions I’ve received regarding pre pregnancy self care. All products are safe for mommy and baby to be! I don’t like to recommend products unless I’ve tried them for while, so most I started using within my first trimester and now some into my third.

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The hatch belly oil is by far my favorite tried and true body product and it is so worth it! I had tried a comparable belly oil but it had made me itchy and red, so back to the hatch oil I went. Into my second trimester I was using it 2x a day in a circular motion on my belly, hips, and thighs the most. It’s for use throughout the entire pregnancy and into the 4th trimester. I even put a few drops into my bath to soften my skin and it has a very soft calming scent. There’s the cleanest ingredients in it too so it had me sold even though it’s on the pricier side. The roller ball size is perfect for traveling and can go in your carryon. Now into my 3rd trimester I’ve been using it 3x a day and not a single stretch mark, yet!

I also have become hooked on baths so I’m loving the Pink Stork Bath Flakes. They’ve helped a ton with nausea earlier on but mostly soothes and relaxes my sore muscles and feet, while helping with sleep. I’m a bath fanatic so this combined with some of my favorite lush bath bubbles is my favorite!

Last month I had shared our pregnancy reveal post and promised I’d give more details into how we worked toward conception. In all honesty, we don’t don’t think it’s just one lifestyle change or one kind of supplement we tried, but a combination of things we tried and kept patient with. Everyone’s body and situation is different so what works for one person may not work for another. We had already been living fairly healthy lifestyles, walking everywhere and throughout the week we cook in to be mindful of what we are eating.

I firmly believe that if you stay positive without overthinking and treat your body well the benefits will come. If you’d like to read more about our pregnancy story you find that here.

Pre Pregnancy Prep

Throughout this journey I’ve been given so many helpful tips, tricks, and words of advice around a mama’s changing body and more to prepare me for motherhood. It’s become so special to be part of a whole new circle of support from friends, relatives, and family I’ve been put at ease more than I thought! These are just some of the products and tips we tried to add into our lifestyle to boost fertility.

Pre Natal Vitamins

I liked this organic brand I started taking 3-5 months before conception as recommended by my doctor.

Pre Mama Fertility Support for Her & Him

Vegan all natural drink mix that I added to my water once a day. Kevin also did the same, his was actually a little tastier with a strawberry flavor whereas the one for woman is flavorless. There’s also this birth control cleanse as “step 1”. It’s a 28 day cleanse to boost your body’s hormones for pregnancy. I personally never tried this since I had already stopped taking the bill a year prior to conceiving (as Dr. recommended)

Pink Stork Fertility Tea

I love this tea! I started having it once a day in the evening, then had two cups a day on weekends. It has a refreshing peppermint taste I enjoyed. I didn’t even finish the container of tea before we conceived. Be sure to read the directions, as there’s a best time to take this in your cycle. It’s not recommended to continue use after conceiving! There’s other teas from Pink Stork and products that are for before, during, and after pregnancy. You can find all their products here.

Pink Stork Morning Sickness Tea

I would have this in the morning in bed with crackers to subside any nausea in the beginning of pregnancy. Luckily I barely had morning sickness but I did have weeks of nausea. The trick was never letting my tummy get un full and staying away from any greasy/fatty foods.

If you or someone you know could benefit from trying any of these tips please pass this post along. I’m happy to answer any more questions if you leave a comment!

The Reach of Art Therapy


As some of you may or may not know, I feature mostly lifestyle themes within my blog. But what good is a platform you build if you don’t share the value it may have for a greater purpose? What is my why?

When I’m not blogging about fashion, beauty, and travel I commit my time to a career that I continue to become more passionate about through new learning experiences and connecting with those who have been impacted in some way through art and it’s ability to provide healing. As a Licensed Creative Arts Therapist and Certified Art Teacher I’ve committed myself to the education, growth, healing, and support of others. To understand where this blog post will take you I have to give some background so you have a better picture of me and the work I’m committed to with youth and families.

What is art therapy?

Art therapy utilizes creative techniques such as drawing, painting, sculpting, collage, and more to help people express themselves and examine the psychological and emotional significance within their artwork. This in turn can create an increased self awareness and support people with challenges, allowing greater insight into their behaviors and emotions. With the support and guidance, a credentialed art therapist trained to examine the symbols and non verbal messages within the artwork can support clients with reaching an understanding of feelings to resolve deeper conflicts.

During undergrad I studied art education and growing up the arts were always my language for expressing myself and working through difficulty moments much more than I could with the spoken word. In my small town I grew up dancing in performing arts and continued to purse my love for visual art through painting, drawing, and fiber arts. I minored in art therapy and though I knew I always wanted to work with children, there was more I wanted to do to support learners beyond education that I couldn’t always reach in the classroom setting. In 2012 I moved to NYC to attend NYU’s Graduate Program in Art Therapy. During grad school I participated in a global internship in Accra, Ghana. Here I volunteered at Basics International serving at risk and underserved youth in Chorkor. Basics International serves to provide education and protect the basic rights of children for education, food, shelter, and safety. I witnessed first hand the power of an education can be the key to freedom in many ways. Without access to education, girls in particular within this culture would mother their own children as children themselves early as the age of 14.


Our group of grad students set out to provide children at this setting access to creating self expression using art materials to support their overall sense of self. Providing the students within the school setting access to the creative process through art making and sharing I learned a great deal about a culture different from my own. Providing students the opportunity to create however they chose with materials provided they began to visually share their world, filled with challenges, sadness, fear, and hope. I watched first hand how powerful art making could be for the creator and provided an outlet of release to communicate thoughts and feelings. Each day I was amazed at how the art became our means for communicating with each other when the spoken word failed us, and how in time these young minds became confident at expressing themselves. Most of all I saw how much love they craved and how resilient they were, many walking long distances on their own just to attend school. I had arrived in Ghana with a determination to make some type of difference in these children’s lives to leave knowing what they had left with me was far more than I ever imagined. Upon returning to the states and graduating I’ve continued to pursue my work with youth as an art therapist in the NYC public schools.


Fast forward 5 years later and I am sitting in the New York Times Building for a panel discussion on the topic of the fight to end human trafficking in honor of World Day Against Trafficking in Persons. This panel consisted of experts on the topics, art therapists, survivors, and entrepreneurs. My former art therapy supervisor spoke as part of the panel on her work with children following the events of 9/11 and the impact this work had on her own professional development. Also on the panel, this supervisor’s early client and now co-founder of Beauty for Freedom. This event detailed a discussion around the realities of human trafficking that takes place both in the United States and beyond, with shared stories of resilient survivors that now speak out about what can be done to spread awareness and end this terrifying global issue. The non for profit Beauty for Freedom provides trafficking survivors art therapy programming and serves to empower, strengthen, and increase the self-esteem of survivors, while spreading awareness to communities. I wanted to share what I took aware from the panel in an effort to bring to light the realities of a problem that is not often spoken about and to honor those survivors who have been courageous enough to share their stories and advocate to become part of the solution.

What is human trafficking?

Human trafficking is the force, coercion, or fraud to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act. Traffickers use threats, manipulation, or false promises of well paying jobs or romantic relationships to lure victims. It can happen at any age in any community, and can happen to any race and gender. Read more about it here.

The Facts

  • Human trafficking earns profits of approximately $150 billion a year for traffickers.

  • Researchers estimate that more than 80% of trafficking victims are female. Over 50% of victims are children.

  • There are more enslaved persons in the world today than ever before in history.

  • The trauma caused by trafficking is so great victims often will not or cannot identify themselves as victims or ask for help. (nationalhumantrafficking)

    What Organizations Can Help?

Beauty for Freedom Programming uses the creative process to empower survivors and victims of human trafficking to develop increased self worth and confidence. It is a non profit organization that raises revenue for survivors in the developing world.

National Human Trafficking Hotline

New York State Office of Children and Family Services

New Jersey Coalition of Human Trafficking

To read more about what you can do if you have suspicion that someone is a victim of trafficking read more here.

What Can I do to Support the Fight?

Beauty for Freedom is currently raising funds to send volunteers to Winneba, Ghana to provide art therapy programming in collaboration with the non profit Challenging Heights. If you are interested in supporting this effort you can purchase a book, Illuminate (Book Project Ghana) or make a donation to Beauty for Freedom’s Go Fund Me Here. They are currently raising funds for a three week programming in Winneba and art supplies for a school year’s worth for 500 students. I’ll be collecting art supplies to provide to Monica, co founder and would appreciate any donation you could make to the programming in their go fund me.

When asked what can we do to help spread awareness a survivor responded, “Without education there is no prevention. “ Providing love and nurturance to children in a supportive environment provides the safety net necessary to lessen the likelihood for children and adolescents to become victims in human trafficking. Those who become victims are often exposed to difficult life circumstances or previous traumatic events such as natural disasters and violence.

Use your instincts, if you think someone you see is or could be a victim contact authorities such as security in airports and call the National Human Trafficking Hotline 1-888-373-7888.

5 Reasons to Consider Acupuncture

Have you ever been in a place where you find it difficult to just disconnect from the busy noise around you ? When we get wrapped up in all of our routines and are constantly on the go it can be difficult to self reflect and just be in the moment with yourself.  We are constantly filling time with ways to be more productive, or working efficiently while we try to multitask so many aspect of our lives. However, sometimes taking care of our health falls by the wayside when it should be a priority.

As a chronic multitasker myself, I have been guilty of putting my health aside to meet deadlines and eventually it alway catches up with me! Something I’ve kept up with is regular visits to my chiropractor. Growing up dancing and with scoliosis I’ve had back pain and tense muscles. I’ve tried to stay active with fitness, lots of stretching, and chiropractic care. Something I occasionally tried was acupuncture, but stopped when I switched to a new chiropractor’s office that didn’t offer it.

My friend recently shared with me a new spot that has a great spa like atmosphere I found to be very clean and convenient. Wthn, is a new health spot in New York City that specializes in acupuncture and herbal supplements to support overall health and wellbeing.

If you’re not familiar with acupuncture it comes from traditional Chinese medicine techniques of achieving a flow of energy throughout the meridians in the body. Acupuncture involves the insertion of very tiny needles to these specific points to treat pain and discomfort associated with a range of ailments.

5 Benefits to trying Acupuncture:

  1. Acupuncture can help reduce headaches and pain associated with muscle tension in the back, neck, and other areas of the body.

  2. May ease menstruation symptoms and support female fertility.

  3. Ability to smooth fine lines and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. The addition of light therapy can increase these results.

  4. Helps to reduce the inflammation in the sinus cavities since it has anti inflammatory effects on the body. This has helped me a ton during allergy season!

  5. Promotes overall relaxation to restore your internal balance and energy.

    Acupuncture treatment can help manage various aspects of your health and It is not painful at all! I promise! Most importantly, all of Wthn’s acupuncturists are licensed and only disposable and new needles are used. If you are wondering if acupuncture could be right for you or still not 100% on board let the experts at Wthn answer your questions here.

In the past when I had injured my back I remember it was the only thing that sped up the healing process and made me super relaxed during the session! However, it doesn’t have to be used as a reactionary form of treatment. If performed regularly it can be preventative, as it improves the circulatory system by increasing blood flow.

I’ve had some sleep difficulties recently and muscle tension so I knew that I’ve been past due for a session. Just checking out the website gives you a preview for what the experience will be like and how every aspect of your session can be customized based upon your needs.

Wthn also offers LED light therapy for rejuvenating your facial skin cells and an area that can be focused on for fine lines/wrinkles with repeated sessions. My experience at Wthn was professional and I loved how my acupuncturist took time to consult with me with a full intake regarding my health concerns and overall goals for the session. I never realized how much acupuncture could support such a wide range of areas. Wthn offers a one time reduced rate for new customers ($65) and also has a membership for $75/month. It pays for itself after the first visit because recurring visits are $85/session.

The session itself is about 45 minutes and there’s options for headphones with guided meditation or calm music. If you like a blanket or additional pillows all are provided. My face was even rolled with one of the quartz rollers! The entire experience had me feel deeper connected within myself and walking like I was on a cloud. I felt so relaxed! It honestly is the perfect escape to unwind and recharge!

If you are in Flatiron I recommend checking it out or trying their supplements. I see Lauren B. and can’t recommend her enough!

If you have any questions please leave them in the comments section.
